Chroma: "a coloured confession"  


CHROMA documents to download

AGRECOL (Agribusiness & Ecology) Project

Foundation for Ecodevelopment

Stichting Mondiaal Alternatief

P.O. Box 151

2130 AD Hoofddorp

the Netherlands


Please note all documents are AGRECOL-copyright protected

Label-document This document must be filled in completely and send in together with the soil- or compost sample.

ENGLISH language WORD-FORMAT (chlabee.doc)

DUTCH language WORD-FORMAT (cvlabel.doc)


Sample-document This document explains the way to take a proper soil/compost sample

DUTCH language WORD-FORMAT (chromha.doc)


Chroma-legenda & chroma-clarification A simple chroma interpretation of colours, figures and lines.

ENGLISH language WORD-FORMAT (chrdleg.doc)

DUTCH language WORD-FORMAT (chrdlen.doc)


The importance of the SOIL FOODWEB a scientific paper about the ecosystems inside the soil

English language TXT-format (soil.txt)